Call to Order: The meeting was called to order via Zoom by the club president, Greg Noone, at 7:05 PM, with 19 members and two guest speakers signed in.
Minutes: The Secretary, Lee Traweek, presented the minutes from the October 2020 general meeting. The minutes were approved as presented.
Financial Report: The treasurer, Haley Stackhouse, presented the financial report, with a cash balance of $1,347.75. The treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
Speakers: Diana Branson and Brandon Chase McGee (, 316-990-2006), Texas State Senate District Executive Committee 12 Committeewoman and Committeeman, shared the floor to present a preliminary look at democratic gains in SD12 and their efforts to identify unexploited opportunities to extend those gains in the upcoming election cycles.
Executive Board Election: The 2021 NWTP executive board election was held with the following officers elected:
President - Greg Noone was re-elected to a second term
Vice-President - Michael Stackhouse was re-elected to a second term
Secretary - Karen Horgan was elected
Treasurer - Ron Miller was elected
Communications - Christie Noone was re-elected to a second term
Membership - Cherie Traweek was elected
Membership Renewals: NWTP will be using Act Blue for new and renewing memberships in 2021. This online option is safe, secure and easy. Visit:
Announcements: The December 16th meeting will be an informal Zoom party. Wear your ugly Christmas sweater or face mask to spread holiday cheer.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:25PM.