Page 5 By-Laws Continued
VIII Executive Board (Cont'd.)
Officer Responsibilities (Cont’d.)
Secretary: The Secretary shall take minutes of all general membership and Executive Board meetings and maintain them in an orderly manner as a written history of NWTP and its activities; record/document all NWTP activities (e.g., fundraising activities, community service activities, print and broadcast news coverage, etc.); maintain parliamentary procedure; perform all NWTP correspondence, including sending appropriate cards to members in good standing who have experienced an illness or death in their family; perform other duties as necessary and appropriate.
Membership: The Membership Chair shall; maintain all membership records, act as point of contact for club members to engage with, ensure all members and guest are signed in at meetings.
Executive Board members are expected to attend at least two-thirds (2/3) of all general membership and Board meetings held during their term of office.
IX. Committees
Standing and Special committees may be designated by the President and approved by the Board as needed in order to fulfill the Mission Statement and Purpose of the NWTP.
X. Amendments To The By-Laws
These by-laws may be amended at any time as determined by the Board and with the approval of the general membership. Proposed amendments may be suggested by any member in good standing and will, be reviewed by the Board for presentation to the general membership. Proposed amendments may be presented to the general membership through either email or at the annual by-Laws meeting, held during the January general membership meeting, or approval by the Board. Members in good standing will vote on a proposed amendment at the general membership meeting following the meeting of its initial presentation. All proposed amendments will be published in the NWTP newsletter prior to being voted on by the members in good standing.
XI. Rules Of The Texas Democratic Party
The Northwest Tarrant Progressives will operate under the rules of the Texas Democratic Party and will follow basic Robert’s Rules of Order.