Page 4 By-Laws Continued
VIII. Executive Board (Cont’d.)
In the event that an elected officer becomes unable to fulfill his/her term of office the Executive Board, at its discretion, shall immediately so advise the membership. The remaining Executive Board members will then follow the procedure outline below:
If the resigning officer is the President, the Vice President will be asked to agree to become President for the remaining term of office, with the approval of the general membership. Executive Board members will nominate an individual to fill the remaining Vice Presidential term subject to approval of the general membership at the next general membership meeting;
If the Vice President does not agree to fill the remaining Presidential term, the Elections Committee will convene in order to select a nominee for the approval, first, of the Executive Board and, then, of the general membership.
If the resigning officer is the Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer the Elections Committee will convene and select a candidate to fill the unexpired term with the approval of the Executive Board and the general membership. The President may appoint a member in good standing to fill a vacant office until a new officer is elected.
Officer Responsibilities:
President: The President shall preside over general membership and Executive Board meetings; nominate chairpersons of both standing and special committees for the approval of the Board; represent the Northwest Tarrant Progressives at meetings of other organizations; actively ensure the visibility of the NWTP; exercise the discretion to expand the responsibilities of the elected officers and committee chairs as needed to support the Mission Statement and Purpose of the NWTP; and perform other duties as necessary and appropriate.
Vice President: In the absence of the President the Vice President shall perform the President’s duties as outlined above; chair all special committees; coordinate the activities of all committees and special projects; schedule speakers for general membership meetings; and perform other duties as necessary and appropriate.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall maintain all NWTP financial accounts; prepare a monthly financial report detailing all revenues and expenditures; reconcile monthly bank statements; comply with all Texas Ethics Commission reporting requirements; and perform any other necessary financial reporting; perform other duties as necessary and appropriate.