The Northwest Tarrant Progressives 2022 By-Laws
I. Preamble
This document sets the purpose, guidelines, and regulation of the Northwest Tarrant Progressives. This constitution is designed as a living document to be edited and amended as future members of the Northwest Tarrant Progressives see fit.
II. Name
This organization shall henceforth be known as the Northwest Tarrant Progressives, and is registered with the Texas Ethics Commission as a General-Purpose Political Action Committee (G-PAC)
Abbreviations may include but are not limited to: Northwest Progressives, NW T Progressives, NWTP
Mailing Address: PO Box 79334 Saginaw, TX 76179
III. Affiliations
At this time the Northwest Tarrant Progressives is affiliated with the Texas Democratic Party (TDP) and the Tarrant County Democratic Party (TCDP). NWTP holds no other official affiliations, but may coordinate with or support other Democratic organizations with shared interests or objectives.
IV. Mission Statement
The mission of the Northwest Tarrant Progressives is to promote and encourage democratic and progressive ideals, educate the electorate, and improve voter participation in the Northwest quadrant of Tarrant County.
V. Objectives
The objectives of this organization is as follows:
To advance the democratic party’s agenda in Tarrant County.
To recruit and support precinct chairs by providing them with training, tools, and assistance.
To campaign for and provide financial support to any credible Progressive Democratic candidate running for office in Northwest Tarrant County
To connect the Northwest Tarrant Progressive’s members with opportunities to volunteer with campaigns, participate in county and state Democratic Party conventions, the Tarrant County
Democratic Party, or other official efforts of the Democratic Party.