Call to Order: The meeting was called to order via Zoom by the club president, Greg Noone, at 7:15 PM. There were 14 participants. The meeting had been postponed two days, to deconflict with the Democratic National Convention.
Minutes: The Secretary, Lee Traweek, presented the minutes from the July 2020 general meeting. The minutes were approved as presented.
Financial Report: The treasurer, Haley Stackhouse, presented the financial report, with a cash balance of $1,379.61, as of July 25th. The club completed 2019 with 45 members, but currently has only 25 members. The treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
Democratic National Convention: This year’s DNC was held virtually over four nights. Club
members had favorable comments on the convention, including: (1) the diversity of the party, (2) the effectiveness of the virtual format, and (3) strong positive comments on the roll call vote format.
Yard Signs: The opportunity to purchase and sell quantities of yard signs in support of Democratic candidates was discussed. Shadi Zitoon, candidate for Texas Senate 12, has signs for $10. 25 free signs supporting Kathy Cheng, candidate for Texas Supreme Court Justice Place 6, are available. Greg Noone is also pursuing signs for Biden/Harris and M J Hegar.
Upcoming Events: NWTP will meet via Zoom on Friday, August 28, at 7:00PM to discuss the Republican National Convention, and again to host a virtual Happy Hour via Zoom on Wednesday, September 3, at 7:00PM.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:07PM.