Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by the club president, Michael Stackhouse, at
7:05 PM, with 12 members and guests present.
Minutes: Michael Stackhouse presented the minutes from the October 2022 general meeting. The minutes were approved as presented.
Financial Report: The financial report was presented by Frederick Sehapayak, showing a cash balance of $896.08. The treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
Executive Board Elections
New officers for 2023:
President – Michael Stackhouse
Vice President – Karen Horgan
Secretary – Sally Craig
Treasurer – Haley Stackhouse
Membership Chair – Frederick Sehapayak
Mimi Coffey thanked everyone for the support for her campaign.
Rodney Lee will partner with NWTP to build club membership and include the club in several events he has planned in the coming year.
Upcoming Events:
NWTP Christmas party will be at Mimi Coffey’s house on December 10.
Membership Dues are due!
Membership Renewals: NWTP will be using Act Blue for new and renewing memberships in
2023. This online option is safe, secure and easy. Visit:
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM.