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Northwest Tarrant Progressives Minutes: General Meeting, Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by the club president, Sally Craig, at 7:00 PM, with 10 members and guests present. We met at Rosa’s Cafe in Lake Worth.

Minutes: The Secretary was not present at the meeting, Michael Stackhouse, presented the minutes from the November 2023 general meeting. The minutes were approved as presented

Financial Report: The Treasurer was not present at the meeting, Sally Craig presented the financial report, with a cash balance of $1473.34. We have no paying members at this time. The treasurer’s report was approved as presented.

President’s Report:  

Sally Craig discussed the upcoming Golf Tournament that has been scheduled for Saturday April 20th. The club will be responsible for nine hole-sponsorships at $100 each. The TCDP is joining the club for the tournament and they will be responsible for the other nine holes.  They are looking to have different tiers of sponsorship and the club can also use that model if we decide to adopt it. 

We need to have volunteers to find items to be included in the silent auction to be held at the tournament.  Becky Maples, Lana Yarber and Grethen Lockhart said they would like to help.

Speakers: There were no speakers at the meeting.


One of the TCDP annual fundraisers, the Mardi Gras Ball will be held on Saturday, February 3rd.

Tickets are on sale thru the party now.

Upcoming Activities:

The early voting for the Democratic Primary will start on Tuesday February 20th and will continue thru Friday March 1st. Tuesday March 5th is Election Day for the primary.

Membership Renewals: NWTP will be using Act Blue for new and renewing memberships in

2023. This online option is safe, secure and easy. Visit:


Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.

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